Thursday, February 01, 2007

The last chemo and an 8

Thank you everyone for you kind cards, phone calls, visits, food, gifts,thoughts, meals, jokes, kid pictures, and prayers. I must mention the meals, driving, and special care and love I have received at home from my husband and family has also been appreiciated. I could not have done this so successfully without you!. Let's give Dr. DeP and the nurses and techs some credit too.

It appears we have accomplished our mission! I am very appreciative for all you have done.Well, at last, I completed my 6th and last chemo today. I saw Dr. DeP and he said since I had had good numbers ( 20, 12) for 9 weeks and his examinations of my body showed no problems, that 6 chemos would be enough and he felt confident I was doing good. My CA-125 was an 8, today. Quite a significant difference from an 1174, that I had initially.

I get a nuelasta shot tomorrow. I prefer to call it "nuenasty", because it makes my joints sore and I ache. It does help rid me of anemia and in the cough and flu season, I anm going to suck it up and get well! The next plan is a ct scan in 2 weeks. They will scan me from the neck down. I am glad they are including my lungs and breasts. My next doctor appointment is 2-20-07. The appointment after that is April 5th. I hope Dr. DeP says I can go back to work on the 5th. I am sure he will say yes. Although, he said I could no paint the kitchen, today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ruthie--Glad to hear you are doing okay. Sorry I didn't respond to your Xmas card-- wasn't much in the mood for Xmas. The cancer thing goes on and on. One gets tired of being a patient. It was lovely that your daugters were there with you over Xmas. We should try to get together. I'm back to work fulltime. I have eyebrows and and half an inch of hair. Call me -- 251-3990. Linda

7:43 PM  

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